#1724 Mesa Verde B/w Mug

Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug; 9.3cm high X 9acm wide excluding handle; $550. This gorgeous piece is modeled after a mug excavated in Mug House, Mesa Verde National Park. This triple motif band is a rare and challenging design treatment. SOLD

#1723 Mesa Verde B-w Jar

Mesa Verde Black-on-white Jar; 22cm high X 26.5cm wide excluding handles; $1950. This lovely pot is based on an anomaly from Mug House, MVNP.  It is a hybrid of an olla and a kiva jar, but lacking the latter’s flange.  The art is superbly classic M.V. B/w and fired perfectly.

#1670 Mesa Verde B/w Mug

Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug: 10cm high X 11.5cm wide excluding handle; $450.   Globular mug forms are rare and this beauty is a great example.  If flat surfaces are uncommon, the rocking motion of the round bottom is not a problem and it feels lovely to handle.