Black-chinned Hummingbird

40″ X 30″; Oil on Linen: $14,500. This old moose antler has been hanging around the place since 1979 when we picked it up in British Columbia. I broke my collar bone on a fishing trip in Mexico and with nothing better to do, painted this with one arm. The contrast in animals’ size fascinated me and I wanted strong graphics to emphasize it.


30″ X 40″; Oil on Linen; $14,500. Near Lagoon Camp, Botswana we came upon this big male Leopard finishing an Impala in the safety of his roost. On the ground. a pack of Painted Dogs and a Hyena were fighting over the droppings–a surreal cacophony of growls, hoots and barks punctuated by cracking bones.

Kalahari Fire

28″ X 50″; Oil on Linen; $24,500. Elephants are my favorite! In this Botswana piece the calves are fascinated by the Leopard Tortoise who was modeled by my pet, Jumbo. I don’t think anyone has ever painted tusk growth rings seen here on many of these “eles.” In the Kalahari Dry season the wild fires made a surreal setting of indistinct, hazy horizons and intense sunsets.


30″ X 40″; Oil on Linen; $14,500. On a recent trip we saw Denali only once, late in the evening our last night in Camp Denali. I added the Trumpeter Swans over Nugget Lake creating a magnificent contrast between the tranquility of the foreground and the raging wind on “The Great One.”

Company’s Coming

34″ X 60″; Oil on Linen; $29,500. My family and I spent a large part of a lovely morning with these Lion brothers at Kwara, Botswana. They had recently fed although not on the Zebra pictured, and were quite content, at least, for the moment. Please note the Porcupine quill detail.

#1752 Chaco B-w Cylinder Jar

Chaco Black-on-white Cylinder Jar: 25cm high X 9.5 cm wide; $1450. The original pot was excavated from Pueblo Bonito, NM in 1929 by Neil Judd. This replica is fired to peak temperature–enough to create thermoplastic deformation of the orifice to an oval, but amazingly, without cracking. The white is brilliant and the black is dense. It rings like a bell and is decorated with gun metal gray triangular fire clouds at the base–truly painted by the fire. SOLD

#1458 Very Large Patterned Chaco Corrugated Jar

Very, very large patterned Chaco corrugated jar; 34.5 cm H X 32.3 cm W; slightly used; $4750. This piece was made for the History Channel’s presentation “Cannibal Instinct” in 2005. All the Anasazi sequences were filmed at our home, Redtail and this was, in my estimation, the star of the show. We cooked a stew to simulate human flesh. It tasted like chicken!