“The Book”


Nearly 1,000 years ago, when the Mesa Verdeans mysteriously abandoned the high Colorado Plateau desert of the American southwest, they took with them their ceramic production knowledge while leaving behind a legacy of enchanting pottery. Now, like no other book in the world, Messages From the High Desert details authentic production techniques of that pottery based on 18 years of dedicated research and production by Clint Swink.

Lavishly illustrated with 605 Black-and-white photos and 50 line drawings, Messages guides the reader through the processes necessary to authentically replicate not only Anasazi black-on-white pottery, but Anasazi corrugated pottery as well. The clear illustrations and easy to follow text, make this book a valuable potter’s resource while the wealth of research data creates a unique archaeological reference. All will find the firing chapter to be the most thorough presentation on Anasazi trench kiln firing anywhere.

For inspiration, Messages incorporates unique mirror photographs for complete viewing of the original artwork of 158 Mesa Verde pottery museum artifacts. These pots, when combined with the detailed information gleaned from the production of thousands of authentic Anasazi replicas and hundreds of trench kiln firings, yield the unique master work that is Messages From the High Desert.

Messages helps us all travel the strong path of understanding about our Southwestern predecessors who silently communicate with us through their art.

Hardbound only, 9″ X 12″, 321 pages, 655 illustrations

$55 plus $6.50 for packaging and USPS book rate postage.

Colorado residents please add $2.75 sales tax.

Please call with your order: 970/563-4624 or email



